Dixie,  Lifestyle

Dixie Grass Skelton

Hi everyone- meet Dixie! Dixie is an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy and the light of our lives! She just turned 7 months old and getting her was by far one of the best decisions Jim and I have made! She is an absolute joy to be around, so easy to train, and such a sweet and cuddly girl.

We found Dixie online through the Lancaster Puppies website and picked her up spur of the moment on the way to visit Jim’s family in PA one weekend. We had been talking about getting an ECGR puppy for a long time, and let’s just say the opportunity presented itself. So, fast forward a couple hours, and we’re at a random Walmart in Maryland buying tons of puppy supplies and trying to make room in the truck for our new addition. We happened to get her the day before we got engaged, so I have to admit that Jim played that one pretty well- but more on this later. 🙂

Most people did and still do think that she’s a yellow lab because of her coloring, but yes, she is a Golden Retriever and will stay the bright white color! If you’ve never had a Golden- I can’t brag on them enough! They are very even-tempered and are super easy to train. They are also great family dogs and love other puppies, babies, and just people in general!

I’m so excited to share with you guys everything we’ve learned since we got Dixie! You can also follow along on her Facebook page and Instagram! If you’re thinking about getting a puppy, are already a paw-rent, or just want to see some cute pictures- be sure to follow along!