
  • Food,  Health,  Recipe,  Weight Loss,  WW

    Skinny Ranch

    Ranch has definitely been one of the hardest things for me to cut back on over the past several months. When I started tracking my food, I honestly didn’t realize how many mindless calories and WW points I was using for condiments! I have learned to like the “light” store-bought ranch, but still use way more than most people! Seriously- on pasta salad, pizza, pretzels, wings, veggies, pickles… you name it. So, after going to the depths of Pinterest, I decided to give the Greek Yogurt Ranch thing a try and was pleasantly surprised! It’s not quite as creamy and has a little more “tang” to it, but it definitely…

  • Food,  Health,  Recipe,  Uncategorized,  Weight Loss,  WW

    Light Baked Brie

    This Baked Brie is one of my favorite recipes! I know, I say that a lot- but this is. so. good. It’s one of my favorite dishes to make for happy hour or as an appetizer for literally any gathering. Every time I make this dish, it’s completely gone by the end of the night- and yes I’m including happy hour with one other person in this statement! In the rare event that there is any leftover, it makes an awesome “breakfast of champions!” Another huge plus is that this dish is only three ingredients and it literally takes all of 60 seconds of prep time. This recipe comes out…

  • Health,  Lifestyle,  Weight Loss

    How I Started Running as a Beginner

    Let me start by saying that a few months ago, I literally could not run more than 1-2 minutes at a time, and now I’m sitting down to write this post as I just finished a four-mile run (that I actually enjoyed!). Eeek!!! Four miles may not seem like much to some folks, but this is a super exciting goal for me! I’ve never exactly enjoyed running, but between moving and traveling so much, I just got to the point where I wanted to be able to go outside for a “quick run” as my workout and have fun. Running is also a great way to quickly burn calories while…

  • Food,  Health,  Weight Loss,  WW

    Healthy Coffee Creamer Alternative!

    Not sure about y’all- but there are few things in this world I appreciate more than a hot, creamy cup of coffee! What I didn’t realize until I started WW (Weight Watchers) last year was how many points/calories I was using up for my beloved morning cup… or 3. Cue panic mode when I had all of a sudden used up half of my daily points on coffee creamer. I started looking into the nutrition facts for my typical drink orders at restaurants and YIKES! 50+ carbs (sometimes as much as 70 g) and 400+ calories for ONE DRINK- I knew there had to be a better way to get…

  • Health,  Lifestyle,  Weight Loss

    Weight Loss Tracker

    Hi y’all! So one of the things I want to focus on with this blog is health and fitness! I am by no means any type of dietician or a personal trainer- I am however a self-proclaimed expert in finding balance and enjoying life while also trying to get in shape! More to come on this topic in later posts, but for now, I wanted to share a little printable tool for those of you who are trying to find your goal weight! Go ahead and download and print this weight loss tracker and put it somewhere that it will serve as a constant reminder for you and your weight…